How to Eat Less Processed Food in a Practical Way

7 Effective Natural Methods for Lowering Blood Pressure

Hypertension is the medical term for high blood pressure, and it is sometimes referred to as the “silent killer.” The risk of heart disease and stroke is high even though it frequently shows no symptoms.

Your blood pressure is influenced by how much blood your heart is pumping and how much resistance your arteries present to blood flow. Your blood pressure will increase if your arteries are narrower. A normal blood pressure reading is 120/80 mm Hg. A blood pressure reading of 130/80 mm Hg or higher is regarded as high.

  • Systolic blood pressure: The highest figure indicates the amount of pressure your heart exerts as it pumps blood into the arteries that supply the rest of your body.
  • Diastolic blood pressure: The pressure in your blood arteries between beats, while your heart is filling and relaxing, is represented by the bottom number.

Along with assessing if you need medication, leading a healthy lifestyle can greatly lower high blood pressure. You should discuss this with your doctor. Consider making the following adjustments and routines part of your everyday life.

1. Increase physical activity and exercise

Being physically active is one of the most crucial things you can do to lower your blood pressure or prevent it from getting too high. Your overall risk of developing heart disease is decreased as a result.

Suggestions for increasing activity:

  • Take the stairs rather than the elevator.
  • Get off the bus a stop or two earlier.
  • Put your automobile in the parking space at the far end.
  • Keep in mind that any exercise that makes you warm and somewhat breathless is beneficial.

Performing household duties.

2. Increase your intake of garlic

It can be ingested in a variety of ways, including raw garlic, garlic oil, seasoned garlic extracts, and supplements with garlic powder. Garlic is commonly used to lower blood pressure, both raw and extracted.

A meta-analysis found that garlic supplements can reduce high blood pressure sufferers’ systolic and diastolic readings by up to 5 and 2.5 mmHg, respectively. Time-release garlic extract formulations may drop blood pressure more than traditional garlic powder tablets, according to a clinical study.

3. Consume more potassium and less sodium-containing foods

Your blood pressure can also be lowered by eating more potassium and consuming less salt. Your body’s reaction to salt is lessened by potassium, which also reduces blood vessel stress. Eat more potassium. Natural sources of potassium abound. Fish, bananas, apricots, avocados, oranges are low-fat fruits and vegetables. Low-fat dairy meals include milk, yogurt, potatoes, tomatoes, greens, and spinach.

Consuming less salt is advised by the National Institutes of Health. The diet puts focus on:

  • Low-sodium diets
  • Vegetables and fruit
  • Low-fat dairy
  • Wholesome grain
  • Fish
  • Livestock
  • Cereals
  • Consume less sugar and red meat.

4. Make sure to get good, restful sleep

While you are sleeping, your blood pressure usually drops. Your blood pressure may be impacted if you have trouble sleeping. Hypertension can be exacerbated by poor sleep hygiene, which is defined as sleeping for fewer than six hours per night for several weeks. Sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, and other conditions can all interfere with sleep (insomnia).

A restful night’s sleep might be difficult for some people. Here are a few strategies to aid in a pleasant night’s sleep:

  • Consider creating a consistent sleep regimen.
  • Unwind before going to sleep.
  • Do some daytime exercise.
  • Refrain from taking naps during the day.
  • Create a comfy sleeping environment.

5. Limit Your Caffeine Intake

There has been a lot of research on caffeine, 7 Effective Natural Methods including its advantages in terms of health. The decision to make cuts is influenced by a variety of unique elements. Caffeine-containing energy drinks and excessive coffee consumption are not advised for those with high blood pressure. Although it temporarily increases blood pressure, caffeine does so.

In a 2017 study, drinking 32 ounces of either a caffeinated beverage or an energy drink caused the systolic blood pressure of 18 participants to rise for two hours. The subjects who consumed a caffeinated beverage then experienced a quicker decline in blood pressure.

You might wish to drink less coffee or switch to decaffeinated coffee. 7 Effective Natural Methods for Lowering Blood Pressure.

6. Avoid sugar and other processed carbohydrates

Numerous studies have shown that limiting sugar and processed carbohydrates can aid in weight loss and blood pressure reduction.

According to a 2014 research, sugar, especially fructose, may raise blood pressure more than salt.

According to a 2020 study comparing many common diets, low carb and low fat diets reduced systolic blood pressure by 3 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure by an average of 5 mm Hg in adults who were overweight or obese after six months. Because you’re eating more protein and fat on a low-carb, low-sugar diet, you feel satiated for longer.

7. Relieve the stress

High blood pressure may be influenced by ongoing emotional stress. More research on the impact of stress management techniques is needed to discover whether they can lower blood pressure.

Try the following:

  • Try not to take on too much.
  • Prepare to deal with the issues you can handle by focusing on them.
  • Avoid sources of stress. If, for instance, rush-hour traffic stresses you out, 7 Effective Natural Methods for Lowering Blood Pressure, use public transportation or schedule your trip for a different time. Avoid people that cause you tension as much as you can.
  • Make time for relaxation.
  • Exercise gratitude.
Sadaf Abdullah

Sadaf Abdullah

Hey! I'm Sadaf Abdullah, an SEO content writer who has spent years and years perfecting my skill to the greatest advantage. Writing on health and bioscience-related subjects comes naturally to me. I can create a precise, witty, and thoroughly researched essay on the topics.

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