Dont Take Life For Granted

Dont Take Life For Granted

Dont Take Life For Granted: Take nothing and no one for granted since life is a wonderful gift. There are many people in the world right now taking their last breath and we should be grateful enough to experience the true essence of life without experiencing pain. One huge but all-too-common mystery exists in life. Though we all have it and are aware of it, it rarely gets a second thought. Time is a mystery that most of us take for granted and seldom think about. When it comes to life, the difference between taking things for granted and taking them with thankfulness is crucial. The more we view the things around us, even the lovely and amazing things, the more they fade into the background. That is why we often take the beauty of this planet for granted: the flowers, trees, birds, clouds, and even those we love. We see things less and less because we see them so frequently. Never take for granted all that life has to offer in terms of beauty. Each day may be the last time you have the opportunity to do so. It’s all too easy to take the fact that we’re all alive for granted, but we must try not to.

Why do individuals take life for granted at times? Simple, because they have lost hope in every situation they have faced and are not courageous enough to overcome it. We all take things for granted, especially those that appear to last forever, such as our health, family, and even life itself. Their presence is usually consistent and reliable, and as a result, they begin to fade into the background of our daily lives. We presume they will always be there since they have been there for a long time. Things appear to be permanent, so we believe they are. We set ourselves up for disappointment and pain when we begin to imagine something will endure forever. Nothing lasts indefinitely. Impermanence is an unavoidable reality. Everything changes, including our relationships, the circumstances and situations we find ourselves in, and the world around us.

Most of us know this on an intellectual level, so why do we fall victim to the fallacy of permanence time and time again? If we know nothing lasts forever, why do we treat people and things as if they do? And, why would we ever take anything for granted? Taking things for granted is partly a product of habit. When something is brand new, it stands out from the “background” and gets our full attention. When the novelty wears off, though, it loses its grip on our attention and we go on to something else. This is a natural inclination founded on survival instincts that occur most of the time without our knowledge. This isn’t to say we don’t care about these things; when we pause to think about them, we understand how important our friends and family are. We also recognize and appreciate how fortunate we are to have them.

The difficulty is that we don’t always take the time to appreciate them or notice their presence in our lives. Consider a child who has just received a new toy. They are initially ecstatic and want to play with it whenever they have the opportunity. They want to take it everywhere with them, show it off to others, and even sleep with it! They play with it less and less as time passes and other toys are introduced, until it is forgotten at the bottom of the toy box. That is unless a parent decides to retrieve it and donate it to charity. The child then sobs, fights, and pledges to play with it if only they don’t give it away! Their grief appears exaggerated, given that the toy had been ignored for months and they had taken it for granted. When we don’t pay close enough attention to something, we undervalue it and fail to be appreciative of it. We let it languish at the bottom of the toy box until it was threatened with removal. This is ironic, because the things we value most, such as our livelihoods and loved ones, are the things we are most inclined to take for granted. We delude ourselves into believing they will always be there when we need them, so we are caught off guard when they disappear.

This is odd, because the things we cherish the most, like our livelihoods and loved ones, are also the things we are most likely to take for granted. We mislead ourselves into thinking they’ll always be there when we need them, so when they don’t, we’re caught off guard. Alternatively, we may get preoccupied with the prospect of losing something else in the future. “What if?” is a question we ask ourselves all the time. ” Rather than savoring the present moment. The good news is that you can get out of this bind. Strengthening your awareness and establishing yourself in the present moment allows you to perceive the value in everything and avoid taking things for granted. When change occurs, you grow more prepared for it. Because change is inevitable. It’s much easier to travel on autopilot and let our attention wander than it is to be present. However, by practicing mindfulness, we may improve our ability to focus our attention on the things that are important right now.

If you want to be happy, stop taking life for granted; But how? In what way?

You’ll be happier with whatever you acquire if you start appreciating what you have. Everyone wants to be happy, but few people know how to achieve it. Books on happiness abound, and the internet is brimming with courses, articles, and commentary on the subject. Happiness appears to have become one of the most over-complicated riddles of all time in this period. Much of it is right in front of our eyes, in the way we think and the things we think about. We tend to overlook the most important aspects of our lives while focusing on the things that don’t matter. And thus, according to Epicurus’ ancient philosophy, adds too much of the world’s unhappiness. “Any man, who does not think that what he has is more than ample, is an unhappy man, even if he is the master of the whole world.”

What we value and focus on has an impact on our fundamental way of life. It’s no surprise that thankful people are happier in life, that gratitude is a science, and that nothing is more deserving of our thanks than life itself. Nothing, on the other hand, poisons our lives like taking them for granted. We give a lot of attention to what we wear, how much money we can save on a phone plan, what kind of new object we should buy, and whether we should invest a few dollars in this or that. How frequently do we toss and turn in our sleep, worrying about little matters? And yet, how often do we pause to consider the things that truly matter the most? Who are our loved ones? What about our health? What are we doing with our lives? In my experience, we take these for granted until they are no longer true.

In a letter to a bereaved friend, the Roman philosopher Seneca publicly regretted our habit: “Let us just think how often we leave them behind when we are setting out on some long journey or other, or how often we fail to see them when we are staying in the same area, and we shall realize that we have lost all too much time while they are still alive.” We are concerned about the rain. We argue about nonsense. We spend an hour attempting to get our attire to appear perfect. We spent more time debating which camera to buy than we did thinking about how we could better adore our loved ones. We turn off the opportunity to see an old acquaintance, promising ourselves that we’ll do it “next time.” That’s where I’ve seen it finish. I’ve had it happen to members of my family, and I’ve seen it happen to other families in the ER and on the road. Whatever phrases you use to avoid enjoying your existence, remember this: We won’t always get the next time.

In conclusion, we should know how to value our lives wholeheartedly and not just so lightly. We often place unreasonable limitations on ourselves. It is vital to practice becoming aware of our negative ideas. We all can achieve our goals; all we need to do is open up and believe in ourselves. The most essential thing to remember is to never, ever give up. You will be pleasantly surprised if you simply try. We place a high value on life because it is worth living. Because it is a priceless gift that we have been given. Incredibly, I’m a human with the ability to think, speak, move, write, and create. I only have a limited amount of time on this planet to make a meaningful difference. I knew I had a one-in-a-million chance of being born. Because, to put it another way, it is priceless.

Harvey He

Harvey He

Founder of I like to write about self-improvement and achieving excellence, and believe that it is these qualities that ultimately make people successful in life.

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