Why Yoga Is Important

Why Yoga Is Important

Yoga is a popular exercise among females at the current time. Origin from ancient India, yoga was born and developed over India’s civilization progression. There is no age limitation of practicing yoga, especially to the elderly people. Yoga is a friendly work-out which is becoming an international exercise. People practicing yoga in the gym class, training under the coach’s guidance, or even practicing at home. Yoga is a lovely opinion to whoever wants to keep in fit. Let’s see how could be so important as a traditional exercise.

The name “yoga” is from Sanskrit “yug” or “yuj” which means accordant, combinative or harmonious. The traditional is a method to achieve moksha. The modern practiceis for culture mind and body. Yoga could help people explore and develop the potency that hides inside our brain through enhance the consciousness and awareness. Thepostures use the ancient but easy handling techniques to improve physical, mental, emotional and spiritual abilities. The theory is through practicing breathing exercise, position exercise, meditation to reach the unity of mind and body. Yoga has over 5,000 years history. The General Assembling of United Nations announced that June 21st as the International Yoga Day in 2014. The fundamental of is ancient India philosophy. For Indians, is not only a popular work- out, it is an old powerful exercise combined with philosophy, science and art. It composes an important part of Indian culture. The yoga’s disciples believe the theory of controlling one’s noema, emotion and being healthy through the motion of body postures.

According to statistics in 2018, 24 billion people are practicing yoga, and the world population is 70 billion. A report says that the fitness market has a huge demand on instructors. The professional yoga instructors are needed to provide therapy guidance for disorders such as mania/depression by Chinese medical community. China’s educational sector is in urgent need of a large number of professional instructors to provide body shape correction/psychological counseling for teenagers. Indian-China international festival is the only official celebrating international yoga festival that recognized by Indian government. The organization committee is set up for decision authority guidance, correct the concept, and helping the members improve the best of themselves with the orthodox yoga’s culture. Yoga instructor as a professional occupation has gained a lot of more attentions in the industry, and it attract many women to consider it as a full-time job or a long-term career option.

Yoga students are not only composed by women, some of the students are men. People usually think is a women exercise, but the benefit of practicing has no matter to the gender. Men in society typically take more pressure than anyone else. One advantage of practicing is to relax and calm down. Therefore, practice is a good way for the male students to release their pressure and pursuing the peace of mind and body.

The father of yoga created eight limbs of yoga. The core concept of practicing is to “control heart/emotion”. The eight limbs of are to achieve the goal. The eight limbs of are: yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahar, dharana, dhyan and samadhi. Their meanings are the following. Yama: before doing yoga, one must have full moral cultivation, otherwise, his mind will not be peaceful. Niyama refers to a code of ethics to be observed. Asana refers to


keeping the body calm, relaxed and relaxed. These include lotus, hero, auspicious, vajraya, and Suchas. Pranayama regulating and controlling breathing. Pratyahar refers to the suppression of the senses and bringing them completely under the control of the mind. Dharana to focus the mind on a point in the body, such as the navel, tip of the nose, tongue, etc. Dhyan is to unify the mind focused on one place and the object focused on, and to integrate the subjective and objective. Samadhi, that is, the true union of the mind with the object of its attention, the highest state of yoga.

Yoga has a variety of benefits, including speeding up the body’s metabolism, removing waste from the body and helping with body repair. Yoga can enhance body strength and elasticity, and allow the balanced development of limbs. Yoga can also prevent and treat a variety of physical and mental illnesses: back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, headaches, joint pain, insomnia, digestive disorders, dysmenorrhea, hair loss, etc. Yoga can adjust the whole system, improve blood circulation, promote endocrine balance, decompression and mind, release the body and mind, to achieve the purpose of mind cultivation. Other benefits of  include improved immunity, concentration, energy and eyesight and hearing. But the key is to do it properly, under the guidance of an expert, and know when to stop it.

Pip White, professional consultant for the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, says has many benefits for physical and mental health. If you know your abilities and limits and practice within safe limits, you will reap great benefits of practicing yoga. Dr Mark Singleton, a senior research fellow at the modern history of at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, says yoga today has become a hybrid of European forms such as gymnastics and bodybuilding. Dr. Manmath Gharte, director of the Lonavla Yoga Institute in Mumbai, told the BBC that the main goal of Yoga is to achieve the unity of mind and body, that is, human body, mind, emotion, society and spirit harmoniously become one. For one thing, yoga’s various poses improve the flexibility of the spine, joints and muscles, he says. Improved flexibility ultimately benefits the mind. If you are mentally stable, you will be able to completely eliminate suffering and achieve inner peace. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is also a yoga enthusiast. At Modi’s initiative, the United Nations has also established an International Yoga Day since 2015. Swami Vivekananda, a monk from Kolkata, is credited with bringing Indian yoga to the world.


Yoga and other sports in the incorrect practice will bring some harm to the body, need to practice yoga under the guidance of professionals. As a practitioner, you should always follow the natural rules of yoga practice step by step, not compared with others. Many people in the early practice of yoga always think that practice needs to be very flexible, see around other practitioners or coaches can do more stretching or more difficult than their own movements, they will be eager to get quick results and instant benefits to do that, so often hurt their joints and muscles because of anxiety, the practice effect will also be counterproductive. Another important part of the whole exercise process is warm-up, which is to prepare for the exercise, or some simple poses. If you’re missing this, you’re more likely to get injured or have trouble performing. Practice with a professional. When practicing yoga, if the practitioner do not know their own goals, do not understand their own body, the most critical is not know their own limits, he (she) will practice in practice very blindly, so that will inevitably increase the chance of injury.

Yoga is a series of exercises that allow us to control our mind by controlling our body. Yoga is about finding your own rhythm and experiencing the tides of life with one breath and one breath. Every practitioner has his or her own understanding of yoga. Some people think that yoga is very advanced and difficult; Others simply see yoga as a form of fitness. As for the former, does not require years of practice to achieve results. It is not about performing some difficult movement or reaching a certain state. Regarding the latter, Amit points out that it is a misconception to think of as just a physical exercise program. Yoga is not only about stretching the body, but also about exercising the mind. Yoga can help people calm their restless minds.

Yoga is not a competitive sport; it is a lifelong practice. As long as you do your best, you are perfect. The most important thing is the “harvest” obtained in the process of practice, whether today’s oneself and yesterday’s oneself are different. So, our goal is to get a little bit better than ourselves every day. There is no one but yourself in the world of yoga.

My Experience of Learning Yoga

My first time got to know yoga was when I signed up a gym in my local area. It was a large gym which had hundreds of members. I love spending my spare time there. It has swimming pool, sauna room, indoor hot spring tab, weightlifting machines, treadmill, climbing machines…all the equipment you want in a gym. And, especially there was a fantastic dancing room set on the second floor. It has a lot of space with two sides of mirrors around. That room was where I begin my yoga tour.

Obviously, that room was assigned to be a group fitting room. There was variety of classes offered by the gym, such as kickboxing, Zumba, HIIT, functional training and of course yoga. My yoga instructor was Erica. She is a slender lady from South America. The class was always full of members. I can tell how much Americans are fond of yoga. The indoor  practice should be under a dark, quiet environment to let the practitioners relax and calm down. After taking a few classes with Erica, I realized how is different from other exercise. It is a soft exercise, as much like as Chinese Taichi. I personally don’t like running, jumping kind of heart beating exercise which makes me tired and I don’t like the feelings. So, is the right choice for me. I enjoyed yoga class the most of the time, but sometimes I thought it’s kind of too slow for every movement. Shortly, I knew that was an improper thought while do because my instructor says “observing your breath”.

There is a myth about. We see that some of the yoga’s postures seem difficult. The beginners tend to think that the better they can handle the postures, the higher levels they are reaching. Many students focus on the postures too much, they are pursuing to display the best postures. Sure, could improve strength, balance and flexibility, and we should do the posture correctly. But is an inner cultivation, more emphasizing the unity of body and mind. The only thing practitioner should focus on is one’s body and spirit. Observing the breath is a very good way to gain the attention to oneself while presenting the postures.

Yoga is not an exercise to help people lose weight or keep in good shape. It is an exercise that cultivate the body and mind. It’s like a massage to the brain. It restores our feelings and emotions from outside world. To me, practicing helps me relax and enjoy the moment I am with myself. I gain the power from inside my heart and I become stronger. So, to a lot of  practitioners, It’s definitely making the life healthier.

So, why am I fond of yoga? Because it makes me feel better about myself. And that’s an important thing.

Harvey He

Harvey He

Founder of Heloveyou.com: I like to write about self-improvement and achieving excellence, and believe that it is these qualities that ultimately make people successful in life.

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